
Common PEB Structure Erection Mistakes You Must Avoid

The use of PEB or Pre-engineered Building is very prominent all over India. From schools to the army base and from factories to port – you can see such buildings everywhere around you. The use of structural steel to build pre-fabricated buildings for various uses is also common. However, mistakes in the erection process can be costly. Hence, you must know them and try to avoid them when your welder and fabricator build the structure for your site.


Mistakes that are Common for PEB Structures

Working without a Plan

Often construction site owners or other industrial experts try to build their PEB structure without a proper plan. It is highly required to have a plan that includes your budget, available space, specific construction design, total expenses and other details of the construction project. You should also consider building permission from the local and central government before start working on any such huge project.

Do Not Have Right Equipment

Starting a PEB structure erection project without proper equipment is a big mistake. Some people think that buying or hiring all the equipment can be a huge cost. It can be, but not using them for erection will be costlier for your company. This will not only affect the quality of your project but will put the safety matter in danger too.

Avoid the Importance of Proper Welding

PEB structures can work best when the welding part is done correctly. If you avoid welding or ignore this part, you have to face some costly consequences. Right welding will help you to create robust joints and long-lasting structural patterns to suit your plan. You can reduce the risks in your project when you pay much attention to proper welding. Hire expert welders for the proper erection of the structure.

Not Following the Instruction Manual

When you deal with the top PEB Structure Manufacturer in India, you will receive a product manual. That manual will tell you how to erect the structure and use it further. Since every PEB structure is different and designed mainly based on the unique requirements of individual projects, following this manual is essential to avoid risks and accidents. It will help you and your workers to understand the structure well. You can understand how to avoid risks and increase the efficiency of the same.

Concept Project is a leading PEB Structure Manufacturer in India. We offer versatile services in this industry of PEB structure. From designing to manufacturing and erection of steel structures – you can rely on us for different services. Please get in touch with us for more information.